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Cloudprint broken again on MG5420


I can register, and get confirmation that the printer is registered, but the printer is always offline.

Canon broke this again. For about the twentieth time.

You need to get your act together.

The printer works locally, It connects to google to reginster, The printer confirms it is registered, but it is always offlie.


The printer is useless and Canon owes me my money back.  I doubt I will get any satisfaction because that is not how cannon does business.


Don't buy Canon.



I finally heard back from Canon. The printer can no longer communicate with google cloud print by design and they do not plan to offer any fix.


Canon asked in their email if they could be of further assistance.  I replied to them that they could refund my money, since they have deliberately chosen to break my printe..


To quote Canon


No measures are planned for the printer
To resolve the phenomenon, the printer firmware needs to be upgraded. However, the firmware upgrade cannot be performed due to the printer capabilities."
Translation, we (Canon) have screwed you, you will stay screwed.  Have a nice day.