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Canon imageCLASS MF632Cdw connected to network but not recognized


I am having a new and somewhat strange problem with my printer. It is connected to my network -- it has an IPv4 address ( when connected via WLAN, when connected by Ethernet). The printer's display shows that it is connected to my network. However, it does not appear on my network. For example, neither my laptop nor my iPhone can "see" the printer, and when I log into my router it does not appear as an attached device. Printing does not work...unless I connect it to my laptop with a USB cord.


However, and this is where it gets strange, I am able to use Google Cloud Print with it. So the printer appears to be connected to the internet, even though it seems to be invisible to my local network.


I attempted a factory reset, but that did not solve the problem. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



how did you perform a factory reset of this printer ?


I am unable to do it or find those instructions. Appreciate your help.

For the Canon ImageClass MF644CDW, press Menu, Management Settings, Initialize all data/settings. Accept the prompt stating everything will be deleted (essentially a factory reset). Even resetting to factory default no longer works on my printer so there it has to be defective. 

Hi peebz7.


Is the MF644Cdw connected to your network using an Ethernet connection, or using WiFi?  If by WiFi, does your router support 5G?


Also if using WiFi, are you using a WiFi hotspot as the access point, or a standard wifi access point / router / modem?


Are you able to open the printer's remote UI?  If the remote UI is not accessible, then your router is not allowing the printer and computer to communicate.  If the remote UI comes up, then the printer is being allowed to communicate, and some setting on the computer is blocking the printing capability.


Which operating system type and version is running on the computer?



Hello.  I have been having the exact problem detailed for the last couple months.  It is super annoying.  Yesterday after trying to get it to print for an hour, all of a sudden it just started printing on it's own.   It printed my document plus about 3 test pages haha.

So I had tried everything, and can see the printer from the remote UI.  It never even sees the jobs come in.  Firewall doesn't matter, whether it works or doesn't work doesn't depend on it, I have found.


So this morning, frustrated after reading the responses I tried something that WORKED.   I deleted the printer from Printers and Settings.  There were two listed, one was U2 and one was U4 after the name.  Those are the ones from Cannon, so I figured they were the best to use.


I then told windows to add the printer.  It put in the new driver which does not have the U2 or U4 after it but does have the right printer type as the name.  I think this driver is from windows.   I sent my job to the printer and boom, it worked instantly!

I think what we have here is a print driver with a bug that goes out to lunch after a while.

I would try deleting and reinstalling the print driver like I did.  Worked for me today.  I wonder if it will keep working?!


The only thing that worked after trying some of these suggestions was to delete the printer from my preferences and then add it back: 



>printers and scanners

>Highlight "CANON"

> Hit the (-) button on the left corner


Then hit the (+) button to reinstall Canon




I had this problem for 2 months on Mac OS 10.15.3. and ImageClass LBP612Cdw, with the latest printer driver and updated printer firmware.


The printer was fine sometimes, other times it could not be found.


Deleting it from the list of printers did not help -- when I went to add it again it wasn't found. Wireless Network Status was OK, so it was connected to WIFI.


This finally worked for me:


Menu : Preferences : Network : Wireless LAN Settings : Power Save Mode: OFF


It hasn't given me trouble since.



I have been experiencing the same problem from my Mac (periodic drop of connection to printer), but my Windows and Linux systems work fine with my MF642Cdw.   This leads me to suspect a device driver issue on the Mac.  Previously I solved this by completely reinstall the printer driver after dropping the printer definition on my Mac.   I decided to try something different this time.


Long story short, here's what worked.  Instead of using the "+" button to auto-discover and add a printer (which the Mac was not able to rediscover my printer), I chose the tab "IP" add the printer by IP address.   On the printer's mini-display screen, I found the printer's IP under  Status Monitor (lower right corner) -> Network Information --> IPv4.  Using that IP address in my Mac's Add printer / "+" function, I was able to discover the printer instantly and add it.   After printer addition, it's easy to rename the entry from IP address to a normal name.  Printer then worked without further issues.  Keeping my fingers crossed and hope this lasts.



thanks 39784. i was able to make the printer work using the a fixed IP address.


the big question is HOW DO  MAKE THE SCANNER WORK?


it can't be found in the ADD PRINTER/SCANNER menu under PREFERENCES.


this is really a lousy MF AIO. it works fine on my son's Win10 Dell but doesn't work consistently with Macs. 😞

I've had this exact issue repeatedly since I bought the MF741C a year ago. So frustrating to have to continually delete and read the printer on my MAC. There has to be a simple solution to this Cannon.

Yeah, I’ve reinstalled my drivers more times than I can count. It’s really a lame technical “solution“ and the latest pass leaves me without a scanner for my Mac. Scanning workaround is twofold: a) put document in feeder and scan directly to USB flash drive, then copy the scanned file to my Mac, and b) delete Canon from my future purchases consideration list. I’ll change my mind if they cease the Mickey Mouse &@#%*!!! and release consistent AND KLUDGE-FREE product software.
