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"Cannot log into Web service" error when tying to use Wifi to connect to Google Drive or Facebook


We have a relatively new Canon Powershot s120.  Up until a few days ago, it worked just fine to connect to the Wifi and upload pictures to both Google Drive and Facebook.  Now, every time I try to connect, I get a message "Cannot log into Web service"


I have already tried removing Google Drive from the Camera and re-adding it.  I went into the Canon Image Gateway website and disconnected and then reconnected the service.  That didn't do anything.


Would really appreciate any tips anyone has.





Problem sorted - there is a new set of terms and conditions which came out on the 6th August.


You have to log in under your current user name & password and agree to them and it works again. I spent a frustrating hour doiung this until I found out that this had happened!


I have tghe same problem with FB




@kgehant wrote:

We have a relatively new Canon Powershot s120.  Up until a few days ago, it worked just fine to connect to the Wifi and upload pictures to both Google Drive and Facebook.  Now, every time I try to connect, I get a message "Cannot log into Web service"


I have already tried removing Google Drive from the Camera and re-adding it.  I went into the Canon Image Gateway website and disconnected and then reconnected the service.  That didn't do anything.


Would really appreciate any tips anyone has.




I found this post very late, and I see there wasn't a public post for the solution perhaps? Reading through it gave me some sort of idea that ended up working for me.


For those coming across this now:

-Login to Canon iMage Gateway.


-Choose the camera you are trying to get files from.


-Choose Web service settings.


-Choose the settings option for which service you are having trouble connecting to. In my case Google Drive.


-Cancel access settings.


-Update Web service settings on the camera. (After pressing the share icon to choose service menu).


-Update service on Canon iMage Gateway. (Ie: logging in with updated credentials in my case).


-Update Web service on camera again.


You should now be able to upload photos again. 🙂
