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Woman Frustrated It appears that I've added another PowerShot to my collection of non-working cameras.  It appears that my PowerShot 4000IS no longer wants to play since I sat on it during a Jeep drive.

I can totally understand how it could develop an attitude.

Is there any fixing a camera once it's been sat on?  The lens cannot open even though it's trying real hard.



If you google ...Powershot 4000IS repair... you will find lots of help including videos of how to take it apart and lens/lens error problems its not to hard


Hi reddeviltj!


You can send the camera to our Factory Service Center too.  To start the repair process, you'll need to complete a Repair Request on our website.



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I bought another one.  Smiley Wink

Someday I'll gather up both non-working cameras and get them repaired.  My first PowerShot A450 (I think) is still my favorite one.  I just didn't want to spend more money on repairs when a new one was only $15 more than the cost of repair of the old one.  Gotta love those online deals.

I might try that for both of my PowerShots that retired on me.  I did buy a sensor-cleaning kit a while back when my Sony @390 gave up on me.  The Sony only needed a fresh battery pack.

Easy one.
