i purchased an canon SX280Hs digital camera and within one year in kept freezing of locking up,


see above. replaced the battery and still does the same thing..any suggestions? really like the camera and hoped to get several years out of it....





Is the camera locking up after taking a few photos, or does this happen on startup? If it's happening after taking some photos, I would suggest trying a new memory card. I would also try a reset all in the tools tab of the menu. There may be a setting that the camera doesn't like, and a reset all might do the trick.


If the camera is locking up on startup, there could be an issue with the lens, the sensor, or the processor. Has the camera ever been dropped, or gotten wet? If so, then lens barrel might be a little off center keeping it from opening fully on start up. It could even be a little dirt that keeps the lens from opening. If the camera got wet, there could be a component on the camera circuit board that might have shortened out. These items would almost always show an error message of some type when starting.


Steve M.
