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Use left right instead of Thumbwheel underwater SX240 ?


Hi All,


I have a canon SX 240 with a WP-DC46 canon underwater housing, have been using it quite succesfully for a couple of dives and as I have improved started to want to play around in manual mode only to discover that in the housing the thumbwheel cant be accessed so I now have to choose the setting before going down and cant change them. Is there anyway of changing the shutter speed of F-stop by using the left right up down buttons. I came accross another website that suggested one could hold down a shortcut button but this was for the G11 , the sx 240 doesnt seem to have this. Is there a firmware update one can do to allow this. I decided to post this becuase I couldnt find anything tangeble on the web other than 1) buy new camera , buy Ikelite housing which appears to have a second thumbwheel one for mode slection and one for the ringwheel. 


Any ideas wlecome. 


Reagrds Kyle  



The old adage Perseverance is key appears to hold true. While lying on the couch in utter disappear I accidently stumbled on the solution myself.


It appears that one depresses the display key and uses the zoom function in and out to adjust the aperture or shutter speed as selected. Thanks to anyone who took the time to read the post and if there are other ways to do this please post anyway.


Regards Kyle

Every camera / housing is different but on my G9 there is a "shortcut" button I depress to switch between adjusting Av or Tv values when in full manual. The manual that came with the housing shold have the needed instructions.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."