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The LCD on my PowerShot SX10 has stopped working - is there a reset or some other way to fix it?


It won't display at all - any suggestions?


Rising Star

You said the display so I take it the camera works just fine otherwise, ie being able to downnload pictures etc.


I would imagine the ribbon cable, the back light or the display itself is at fault.


Since it has a 'twistable' display I would imagine the cable harness to the display has been damaged with all the movement  and stresses  the cable suffers. If you imagine a very thin wire and you keep waggling it about it will soon fracture and break.


This is what *may* have happened - it did happen to my A650. I managed to repair myself by getting a complete new cable assembley, it is no easy task since you have to strip the camera and handle very tiny screws afterall, I am an electronics engineer ....  a job certainly not for a novice so to speak.


By all means try a full reset in the menu, but I doubt that will cure the problem for the reasons given.


Best advice would be to seek a Canon repair agent near your locality.




I did dropped a clanger in my last reply....!!!!!!



I said...... By all means try a full reset in the menu, but I doubt that will cure the problem for the reasons given.


Impossible if it's not powering up - sorry!


