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Sx710 hs Max print size

I have purchased the 710hs to take on a trip to France and not carry around loose lenses. My concern now is should I want to have a photo book printed afterwards, what size prints can one expect to get from the 1/2,3 censor?

Thank you

Johann Mendelsöhn

Rising Star

Select aspect ratio 4:3 , recording pixels  L size

It depends on the carriage of the photo printer, ask them for the size you want to print.

This 710HS is not interchangeable lens.


Thank you. I know it is not a interchangeable lens camera. I have been using DDLRs for many years. I was just worried that prints might start to show pixelation if printed to say 8x10 format.

@ApoJo wrote:
Thank you. I know it is not a interchangeable lens camera. I have been using DDLRs for many years. I was just worried that prints might start to show pixelation if printed to say 8x10 format.

It is a 20 megapixel camera. You won't see any pixelation at 8"x10". 


Take a picture and get a test print made at your local big box.  An 8"x10" print is only a few dollars.

Thanks. Assuring. I might just do a test print myself. Maybe I should consider taking the 100d with as well as the Sx710 is a bit dicey Bokeh shots. I have a 1.8 50mm and a 24mm pancake