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SX260HS sometimes has very dark screen, picture dark if taken, why unreliable? what do I do?


Hi pjdemmit.


Here is the link


I don’t use my camera ll that often, but problem has not happened again.


If link doesn’t work — it is a fix presented by “Rob’s Fixit Shop”.  Make sure you have something to put all the tiny screws in.  



On Jul 13, 2015, at 10:28 PM, Canon USA Forum <> wrote:

Hi bubbebaby2,


pjdemmitt (New Contributor) posted a new Reply in PowerShot on 07-14-2015 01:28 AM :



Thank you for the link. I did go there and dis-assembled the camera and cleaned the ribbon cable ends, but this did not work for me. I'll tell you what happened to me and the camera.


I took it on a  recent trip to China and it worked fine for most of the trip. However, we were in places where it was quite hot, humid and rainy. Suddenly the back screen went blank. But the camera still took pictures just fine. I would off-load them to a computer every night, so I know it was working. Fortunately, it wasn't my only camera. This had happened once before when I was home, but it wasn't as humid and at that time,  I was about ready to send it off to get the screen replaced, but I checked it right before, and it worked fine. It has worked ever since, until this most recent trip.


Well, when I got home, I put the camera in the oven, set it to the lowest temp, which was 200 degrees, but I didn't let it get that high, and turned off the oven and left it in there overnight.. The screen would indeed go on for a minute or two before going black again. It seems that there must've been more moisture in it than the last time this happened.


So two days ago, I put it in the oven and left it there for  two days of constant, under-200 heat, thinking that if there's moisture (which seems to be the problem) in there, two days should drive it out. I just took it out and have only had it  out 20 minutes, but so far each time I've turned it on, it has worked. But now I can't trust this camera and a permanent solution would be welcome, if you have any thoughts.




Well, about 30 minutes after it first worked, it stopped again and nothing I do will get it working again. Clearly putting it in a warm oven for a while does do something, but not enough to keep it working permanently. I wish Canon would step up and help with this. Sounds like a known issue. Anybody have any fixes that they know of?
