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I have bought a PowerShot SX170.


I also have an EOS350, but find it unwieldly for general use.


I like to photograph plants, please advise on tutorials or general tips.






I have the PowerShot SX150 and there are several thingsI noticed with it. First, they are decent cameras for the price point, but they tend to be a little soft on the focus. To get fairly sharp photos of plants, you will need a tripod and use the 2 second delay for the shutter. I usually set the tripod up so that I can zoom to about 50mm to get the best shots. Second, mine (and my son's SX160) tend to overexpose on plants, so use one of the manual modes to underexpose by about -1/3 to -2/3. I tend to keep the ISO at about 200, the white balance on cloudy to bring up the color, and keep the mycolor at neutral since vivid tends to oversaturate. Third, the far end of the zoom is very soft on the images, so don't have high expectations on anything shot from a great distance. Oh, and be sure not to use image stabilization if you use the tripod.


I don't know about any good tutorials on this camera, but once you get used to the little nuances, you'll find yourself liking it quite a bit. Since the SX170 has the lithium battery, you should get about 300 still images per charge. The autofocus gets a bit slow in low light conditions, but overall I give this camera a thumbs up.




thanks for this reply to my second query.


I also have an EOS350, which my son gave me, but I find it too complicated, that is why I got the SX170. If you like to look at my photos of flowers they are in and I am Noelfitz.


I will try to get more serious about using the cameras to greater use.  So far I use 'auto' on both, but it is time for me to go beyond this.  I hope to learn the SX170 well, as I think the features on the EOS350 are too advanced.


I really appreciate your help.


Smack what your reason for not using IS with a tripod..does is degrade the image and shouldnt be used when not needed?


I've seen a book or two on the Powershot camera series in general and there are some You Tube videos that are good also.

In my experience the IS gets fooled when the camera is tripod mounted and the photos come out slightly blurry. The manual for the SX150IS and my G12 both instruct to not use IS when tripod mounted.

Ah I see thank you ~


many thanks.

I will try to find the video clips you suggest.

