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SOS for HELP on PowerShot SD1300 IS for New User


I am a new user of PowerShot SD1300 IS. Can someone tell me how to move my jpegs from "My Pictures" to "My Documents," so I can attach them to an email?



That's really a more general computer question dealing with file handling than one specific to a particular make or model camera.  You might get a speedier reply if you asked on a computer forum, in particular one for Windows (which I presume you are using -- I use a Mac and do not recognize your folder structure).  In you want to attach them to an e-mail you probably don't need to actually move them but instead navigate to your pictures folder, but again the details of the answer will depend upon what software you are using for writing your e-mail.  This too would be more readily addressed on a specific computer or software version forum (if you were using a Mac I'd tell you to go to Apple Discussions).

Powershots: A80, SD1300is, SX280 (returned)