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Rechargable cell batteries are much better




I realy dont like the idea of using Batteries

Normal Batteries


On the other hand we have so much options in using Cell batteries , easy to replace with anykind of cell , You can purchase disposeable cell if you are travelling  where we get little time to stay and CHARGE


Chargeable cell



I don't know if this is just spam or not, but I'll bite:


While I love the LSD Ni-MH batteries, I don't actually see much of a benefit for use in the camera.  If you're using your camera with any frequency then there's no benefit to the low self-discharge; especially in the situation you mention - travel.  Nor do I see any benefit to charging.  All batteries need to be recharged, including the human battery...  so I simply charge my battery while I'm charging mine (sleeping).  My camera battery charges much faster than my LSD Ni-MH.  That is, I slow-charge my LSD batteries.  My Canon camera battery charger is done in a few hours.  The only main benefit I see to standard cells is that you can get them anywhere, so having a camera that takes them can be nice in a pinch.


Edit:  Also, I see that this is in the Powershot forum.  So I suppose it would be nice to have LSD batteries in my point and shoot since it spends most its life in the drawer.  That is, until I travel...

Thank you for replying


It is NOT SPAM at all


Actullay in My Country if you are travelling , Rechargable Cell Batteries  OR Disposeable cells like ENERGISER are easily available


NOTHREN areas of PAKISTAN = most of the times you wont find anything to recharge your batteries






Plenty of SOLAR power in Pakistan.


Now, how do I "insert" those batteries into my XS50?
