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RAW Image WiFi transfer frustration


I have been trying to transfer images from my Powershot G5X to my Windows 10 PC using its built-in WiFi.

After a lot of frustration, I finally managed to make the connection work and for Camera Window to open.

I took a couple of test shots and tried the transfer: all seemed to work but when I looked in the download folder, it was empty!

Searching the manual, I found buried in the trouble shooting guide, that this process does not work with RAW files even though there is no mention of this in the WiFi instructions!

It was suggested that I use Sync. If I understand Syn (and I may not!) images are transferred to the Canon Gateway and then to my PC.

Is there no way to transfer RAW image files direct to my PC other than by cable?

I have wish to use the Canon Gateway or post images to Social Media.

Any suggestions while I still have some hair left?


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Thanks for your reply; I think I will stick to using a USB cable.

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Rising Star


you must have a Canon Image Gateway Account to send images from your camera to your computer using the Image Sync feature in wifi procedure.


the suggestion is true, give a try, or plug in your camera card to the computer card slot.

Thanks for your reply; I think I will stick to using a USB cable.

Good grief, "Canon Image Gateway Account"?  Pick up a Raspberry Pi computer, plug the USB from the camera into it, then talk to them over WiFi from an SSH or VNC session.  Ghoto2 (software) can take pictures, Gtkam can let you browse pictures on the camera, gphotofs will let you just transfer pictures.  Get a (free) VNC and SSH client for your Windows machine to talk to the Pi if you don't want  do devote a monitor/mouse/keyboard to it.  99% of software under Linux is free, it's not always perfect.

Thanks for the suggestion Alan.

We have Linux Mint on our aged laptap so might give that a go.


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Leahcimi,

Thanks for posting.


RAW images cannot be sent via Wi-Fi, unless you're using the Image Sync method, which is described on 153 of the PowerShot G5 X Camera User Guide.

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I had discovered this but it seems odd to have to go via Canon Image Gateway simply to transfer RAW files from camera to PC.

Unless there is another way to transfer RAW images direct from camera to PC, I will stick with a USB cable.


This just worked for me for sending over USB, now it's just a file and can be transferred over with ftp, sftp, http, whatever.


# Trying to capture to a raw and send it
gphoto2 --port usb:. --camera "Canon Powershot S70 (PTP mode)" \
--set-config capture=on --set-config imageformat=1 \
--capture-image-and-download --set-config imageformat=0
