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PowerShot SX740 HS not recognized by MacBook Pro


My Macbook Pro does not recognize my SX740HS.  I'm able to transfer/upload photos but macbook pro (catalina) does not recognize the camera and is therefore unable to charge the battery.  I purchased Canon IFC-600PCU from Canon directly.  



Canon camera batteries do not charge via USB. You must use the supplied charger. Your manual says as much.

This is not necessarily true!  Canon sells the IFC-600PCU that I purchased after speaking to a sales representative, to allow one to charge the battery while connected to a computer.  Furthermore, I was able to charge the battery fully on my PC (so much for the manual saying as much), but I would like to do so on my Macbook Pro because I used it frequentely to travel.  

That is just a Canon branded USB cable. It should work on the Mac as it would on the PC. Now if you only have USB-C connections on the Pro, you might need Apple's USB-C to USB dongle.


While the camera can be powered via the USB for downloading, I don't think it charges the battery.

I stand corrected, it appears you can charge the battery via USB. However, even if the Mac does not recognise the camera, it should still charge.


Have you tried running image capture directly to see if it can see the camera?

Hello, I hear you that it should work on both the PC and the Mac, but it does not.  I have all of the necessary cables you mentioned and have been connecting them correctly; while it works on the PC, it does not on my Macbook Pro.  I don't need to power the camera for downloading photos, I do so wirelessly.  I'm including a picture here to demonstrate that the battery does charge via the USB.  The battery was completely dead, I connected the camera to my PC after responding to your first message and now there are two bars and I can turn on the camera.  

No problem.  Just saw your follow-up message.  I was trying to attach the photo to confirm that the battery can be charged via cable, but having some difficuty doing so.  


Have you tried running image capture directly to see if it can see the camera?


No, how do I do that?  Will google or consult manual in the meantime.
