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PowerShot SX530HS Wi-Fi connection setup


I am trying to connect PowerShot SX530HS with Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 32-bit. I am stuck at step 2A-2 (Wi-Fi connection setup) by receiving a message: Unhandled exception has occured in your application, etc. I am unable to move beyond this step.



@Fish wrote:

I am trying to connect PowerShot SX530HS with Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 32-bit. I am stuck at step 2A-2 (Wi-Fi connection setup) by receiving a message: Unhandled exception has occured in your application, etc. I am unable to move beyond this step.

Hmm.  Sounds like a "do over" might be beneficial.  Delete the Canon applications.  Do a Windows update.  Re-install the Canon applications.  Do another Windows update, and THEN try it again.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I have found a video tutorial for your camera.  I never realized there was more stuff on a camera page.


Start typing your camera's model number in the box.  When you see your full and exact model appear just below, click on it, and the system will take you to the page for your camera.  You must select something to make it initiate a search.


Once you reach your camera's home page, SCROLL UP, all the way to the top. 

On the top right corner, you will see a red box that says "Product Information", click on it.

A menu appears, select "Wireless Help", and a menu of video tutorials appears.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Thank you. I tried but this approach did not help. I am now looking at your other suggestion.

This takes me to the same manual that I already have and am trying to follow. I cannot move beyond step 2A-2 (Wi-Fi connection setup) -- unable to get connection.

@Fish wrote:

This takes me to the same manual that I already have and am trying to follow. I cannot move beyond step 2A-2 (Wi-Fi connection setup) -- unable to get connection.

In that case, try contacting Canon Support at 1-800-OK-CANON.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Yes, it seems to be the last resort. Thanks for trying to help.
