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PowerShot S100 how to get camera serial number?


It appears to be a common problem on many Canon models that the serial number printed on the camera gets rubbed off or fades away.  The camera must have its serial stored somewhere in the electronics of the camera.  How do I get at it?


It doesn't appear to be related to the iSerial field from the USB interface.  I would suspect that its stored in the photo metadata, however I don't see it in there (for either s100 or ixus 105).  Perhaps there's a program from Canon that can get this info?


I did find that the map canon tool read some kind of GPS chip serial from the s100, which corrolated with the iSerial field.  I'm specifically interested in the case of the s100, which I need for warranty claim.  Can someone shed some light here?


 EDIT: Actually one other condition, the s100 screen is cracked and unuseable. If the screen was usable then I suspect I could get it via this method (works on my ixus 105).


Hi Lostcamera,


Your camera's serial number will be a 12-digit number, preceded with "21".

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Call Canon and give them the numbers and your situation they can tell you which is which

HI, the best way to get a serial number is to utalise lightroom.
the serial is alway in the metadata and can be seen when you set these details

View >View Options>Loupe option drop down >camera.

this wil show details in top left of image. in light room.


You can also track down the images shot with this serial number if you look it up in google using metadata.




In order to get software so I can use Photostitch offline I need my A400's serial long gone...serial no. on bottom is illegible. Can I get software without serial number?

Gee it would be nice to have a handy delete msg. button in editor here in Canon community.

Richard! Ugh, I’ve made a huge mistake by purchasing my 5DMK4 from Asia. I got a deal, what can I say? This was back in 2019.  You DID solve my issue of how to locate the SN. I entered what was on the box and got a reply from Canon that the camera did not have a USA SN, and that I would have to seek service from the country of origin.  UGH!!!!  Please, all I want to do is have Canon USA install the Log upgrade. Do I have a chance? I really appreciate your help. Valerie, a Canon Lover!
