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PowerShot S100 how to get camera serial number?


It appears to be a common problem on many Canon models that the serial number printed on the camera gets rubbed off or fades away.  The camera must have its serial stored somewhere in the electronics of the camera.  How do I get at it?


It doesn't appear to be related to the iSerial field from the USB interface.  I would suspect that its stored in the photo metadata, however I don't see it in there (for either s100 or ixus 105).  Perhaps there's a program from Canon that can get this info?


I did find that the map canon tool read some kind of GPS chip serial from the s100, which corrolated with the iSerial field.  I'm specifically interested in the case of the s100, which I need for warranty claim.  Can someone shed some light here?


 EDIT: Actually one other condition, the s100 screen is cracked and unuseable. If the screen was usable then I suspect I could get it via this method (works on my ixus 105).


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Poweruser,


In adition to the bottom of the camera, the serial number is located on the original Canon box.  It's preceeded by "(21)" (not part of the serial number.  It's also located on the warranty card included with the camera.


If you're still unable to locate the serial number, please contact us.  We'll send you instructions to send your camera in for service without the serial number.

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Luckily, I'm one of those people that keeps product boxes. I ended up figuring out the serial code from that. Its still mystifying as to why the serial isn't included in the Maker Notes. Is it some kind of privacy feature?

One way to fix this problem (aside from a better method of imprinting the serial onto the camera itself) is to have the vers.req file be over-written with the displayed info.

Sending my camera into canon would be very non-ideal, since the reason I need the serial is for a warranty claim with a major retailer (thus they need the camera). Thanks for the suggestion though

what if i live outside the us and it has faded i need the serial number to access the canon software, is there no other way?

The camera just may write the serial number [camera ID] to the EXIF data of image files when you take snapshots.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

no that doesnt work

@Francoiscinema wrote:

what if i live outside the us and it has faded i need the serial number to access the canon software, is there no other way?

Canon offers service world wide, so you should be able to obtain service outside of the U.S. 


I am surprised to hear that the camera does not write a Camera ID into the EXIF data, even an iPhone does it.  Can you post an image file that was taken by the camera?  Use one of the tools that appear on the top edge of the reply editing textbox to post it.  Your image file really should contain EXIF data.


Is your display non-functional, too?  The camera should be able to display its' Camera ID [serial number] in the camera menus.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Did you use DPP? Canon might store the Serial number in a proprietary way that other EXIF readers cannot access. I found a cached google page from canon Europe that said that the serial number is in there.


ETA: Putting the Serial number in the EXIF might be an EOS thing, not a powershot thing.


its an hfg20 ill try that

Sadly had my eos T6i stolen (along with all pics from daughter's wedding weekend)  I need the sn for the police report

I have the box.  It has 3 numbers on it - two of them begin with (21).  Since this came as a kit, I think one number is for the camera and the other for the accessories.

