PowerShot A1400 won't take photos, flashing red icon on screen


I received a canon A1400 powershot from my aunt , and every time I try to take a picture it keeps on flashing a red camera icon on the bottom left of the screen , the camera records videos but it doesn't want to take pictures . Any help would be appreciated as i have a trip I have to go on soon. 




Hi Tatiana and welcome to the forum:
If this is your first dedicated camera, you need to know that shooting with one is a different experience compared to using a  cell phone.  While a camera will offer much greater potential performance, one has to really get to know the principles of exposure and the camera controls (and display). 

So, how far have you delved into the user manual?  If you look in P35 it shows the symbol and explains that the camera is suffering too much camera shake to take the photo. I enclose a link to the manual as a PDF.  You might want to download that to your phone or tablet for easy reference and the ability to search for specific text.
ps-a1400-a2600-cu-en.pdf (c-wss.com)

So, there may be more that one answer: your settings are out of the camera's range to work with (e.g. too much camera shake), or the image stabilization is either off or not functioning properly.  The former is usually the most likely and the easiest to fix.

From the slice of the information you provide in the image it is impossible to see your settings for Mode, ISO, aperture (f/stop) and shutter speed; so we can't provide further details to narrow down the possibilities.

Perhaps provide a complete display of the image that was taken under these settings or list the EXIF data: i.e. MODE, focal length, ISO, shutter speed, and aperture (f/stop).  Then we can provide more help.

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

Hi , it is my first camera , it is a second hand camera as it's been on the family for over ten years . Everything is working fine , it's just that flashing icon that's stopping us from taking pictures . I reseted the camera settings but the icon is still flashing 

As I said, we need more data. It's hard to help you without that.

Please read my first post and respond in detail. Also do download the manual from the link and spend some time with it.

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

Here is the blinking red light that appears on the screen . When my program is on Auto it flashes a green light , when it's on programed it flashes a red light 





These are the settings to the ISO and when shooting in Auto and in Program mode . 

I'm afraid I can get limited information from these images.  They all appear to have been taken under different settings and for most of them the EXIF data is not there or only partially displayed.

The first image is taken in Macro Mode - the flower symbol at the top indicates that.  Given that mode and the shutter speed of 1/15 sec, it is quite possible the camera is saying you have too much shake to take the photos, as indicated in the manual. 
Generally speaking, the camera will not let you take a photo if it cannot achieve a focus on what you are pointing at, and looking at the images you show, some of them would likely come into that category because there is not enough defined contrast in the subject area.

What I suggest you do is go out in decent light, point the camera at a subject with defined edges - like a building, or similar and try shooting with each mode.  Under clear, bright conditions the camera should get a focus lock and let you take the shot.  If not then it could be the camera has a fault.

The other images do not indicate enough information to be helpful.  To analyze what is happening, one needs to know not only the mode  you are in, but the focal length, shutter speed, aperture and ISO values - these form the EXIF (EXposure InFormation) data.  To find out that information for an image you have taken, in Image Playback mode - the small arrow - tap the DISP button until the screen displays that Detailed Information, see P68-69 of the manual for how to do that.


cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

It means there isn't enough light to take a good photo, so your picture will be blurry (a shaking camera). The red dot is up next to the viewfinder (eyepiece), so you know something is "wrong" before you take the picture if you aren't looking at the screen. The red light can also mean you're too far away for the flash to be effective.

The built-in flash on a PowerShot (or really any camera) can only illuminate about 5-10ft at the most, so if you're in a large space where your subject is far away and the lighting is poor, the camera will warn you, "Hey, I can't do this—we need more light, or you need to get closer!"


Try going outside on a sunny day and take some pictures.

I had went outside on a sunny day , the camera flashes a green light , focus and everything except take a picture . I'm not sure what's happening. There is still more than enough storage left on my SD card , so i really don't know what the problem is . 

I had went outside and wanted to take some pictures but only the video recorder worked , the light flashes green but don't take the pictures . I have placed a picture of 11 years ago details and then one video i took with today's details 



