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Incompatible JPEG image Canon Powershot SX HS




I've taken pictures on my camera,have gone back to them later and the picture has gone and there is a question mark whic says incompatible JPEG I can't download them to the PC either.


I have reformatted the memory card but then it'll happen again, and I have also changed memory card.


Please advise what I should do next


Many thanks




Hi Olivia, what is the model number of your camera to narrow things down.

And you can't playback the pictures on the camera ? On the PC ?


I'm not aware of any format on the camera that will not playback on the camera

The model number is PC1587.

the picture is replaced with an image on the camera screen of a question mark and says incompatible JPEG. I just re-tested the memory card on the laptop and they seem to open on there.

It first happened 2 years ago, I thought it was the memory card, I changed the card last year and only now it's happened again. The first time it happens 2 years ago the pictures didn't open on laptop

There are SX20,30,40,50 and 60HS model numbers perhaps others but I never heard of a PC1587 ?


In the meantime thru your settings menu Id try and do a "reset all" or "reset to defaults" depending on your camera


Also removing your battery and hold the power on switch "On" for at least 30 seconds has cured some crazy problems too
