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Import pictures from, Power Shot SD630 ,to Laptop


Using USB cable from camera to laptop I do not see any links or windows to open that permit the import of pictures to my Dell laptop which has Windows 10 recently installed.     Any explicite instructions will be greatly appreciated by this aging novice. Thanks,  John



Hi deej1md3!


Thanks for posting.


The CameraWindow software needs to be installed.  You can download it from the Canon USA website HERE.

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Thanks Mike:    This is my 4th try and my typing always disappears.      I'm using Windows 10.    * Download completed, 

* R clicked on Start,   * Clicked on File Explorer,  * Clicked on Power Shot,  * R clicked on DCIM to open it,  * R clicked on 103 Canon to open it,  * Highlighted picture to transmit,   * Clicked on Share located between Home & View,  * Clicked on Share icon ... Note- the Email icon was NOT highlighted and would NOT open,   * A Share window opened on the right side of screen,   * Clicked on Mail,   * Typed recipient's email address,  * Clicked on Send,   * Later, a message displayed indicating that something was wrong and the picture did NOT transmit.     *   What am I doing wrong???     John

Hi deej1md3, I recommend contacting our Technical Support Department for assistance with this. For contact options, please use this URL:
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I'm having a similar problem with a slightly different Canon Camera - mine says "Syncing has stopped" and I have no ability to move forward - therefore, no downloading happens. Do you see this "Syncing" messgage?? cbrodie184

No, I do not see that message about syncing.    My problem has to do with not being able import pictures from my Canon camera to my laptop.     John

Sorry for delay - Been out of town taking care of things.     I just finished sending off an email inquiry via your link and added that maybe the failure to import pictures might be the automatic free Windows 10 upgrade that was given to me, and others.     Problem not yet resolved.      Thanks.   John
