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IR Remote for Canon Sure Shot SX50HS?

I've searched up and down google and can't seem to find this answer (I'm sure I must be missing something in front of my face), is there an infrared remote for the Canon Sure Shot sx50hs?  I'm asking for a friend and I don't know anything about these cameras or even have the manual to see if it has the capabilities. If anyone has knowledge on this camera and wether it can use an IR remote that would be great to hear from as well as the model of remote?

thanks, jeff


Hi, archfotos!


You can find all the accessories Canon has produced for the PowerShot SX50 HS at


We hope this helps!

actually it did not help, I couldn't even find the RS 60E3 remote and then clicking to a different tab(manual) the website froze on me. thanks for trying though. Any chance there's anyone who has actually used this camera know if it has IR capabilities?


thanks, again Jeff



On a completely side note(seeing that your a Canon Moderator) As hugh as Canon is,  their website is one of the most frustrating confussing infuriating websites out there. In some ways Canon make a .gov website look well planned out



Word around the campfire is this FreeWave unit will work with the SX50, provided you use Canon sub-mini type connector instead of a "Canon 3-pin" connector.  It would be worth it to call either B&H photo or Vello directly to confirm it will work with the SX50.  Worth a shot, even if it isn't IR it's still wireless.

I have the SX50. There is no reference to this camera having an IR option.







Thanks everyone for the responses and thanks Grazie that's all I was looking for. 

My Cannon Powershot SX50 HS guide book shows that the canera has a remote terminal, and I see where it would plug in on my camera!


A Remote Terminal is not the same as an IR  (Infra Red) option. The OP was asking for an IR option. There is not a reference for an IR option in the User's Manual.





I have the SX50 also and there is a wireless shutter release available, or wired for that matter also but it does not have the IR remote option.

I have both the wired with the extension cord also and wireless remote shutter releases and they do come in handy.

John_ I have a question for you. Does your WIRED control have any control of the VIDEO/MOVIE option?






