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I turn on my PowerShotG10 and nothing happens.It turns off in a minute by itself


I turn the camera on and get in the screen the PowerShot logo. Nothing else works. After a minute it turns iself off. The batery is charged. 



Try taking the battery and memory card out for about a half hour, then reinsert them. If no change, then maybe the battery has gone bad. Is that the original battery? Do you happen to have a spare battery to see if the original one is perhaps not truly charged all the way? Are the battery contacts clean? Could be the contacts in the battery compartment aren't making a good connection or are a little dirty.

Possibly the lens isn't able to go to its' ready position. Does the lens come out when powering up the camera, or does it seem to be stuck in the closed position? If it can't open, the camera will automatically shut off.



Is the battery compartment clean? If there is a bad connection from the battery the camera thinks the battery is low and shuts off even though the battery is good. Make sure the battery pyhsically looks good the contacts especially are clean.

You can try and do a reset throught the settings menu and or remove the battery, I think the date/time battery is built inot that model if not remove it also , and hold down the power switch for at least 30 seconds.

Hopefully you will not need service on it.

I don't think he can get to the menus. Sounds like it's shutting off before that John.

Ok try the others things suggested..and are you sure the battery is good?

Thank you, no the lens does not come out, looks like is stuck in place. Also the "visors" over the lens, do not close. The batery is the original one and the contacts appear to be clean.

Thank you guys, I took the battery and the memory card as suggested and will wait for an hour or so and let you know. Smack53 is right I can not get to the menus, but maybe is the battery, because this started to happen right after recharged the battery.

It's possible the battery has reached the end of it's life cycle too. Hard to know without having a spare on hand unless you have a voltmeter. or some other way to check it's power level. 

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