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I have 2 Canon cameras that I use at work, but both are down. Can't find service in Houston.


I have a Canon S2 that has a CF card error that won't go away and a Canon S3 that has some type of stuck shutter. I use both cameras at work, but these issues are preventing me from using the cameras. I checked around in Houston and I'm told that camera stores don't work on point and shoot cameras. Also posted a note on Facebook and nobody knows how to fix these type cameras. Does anyone out there have any experience with either of these? The S3 is much nicer and does not have to use a flash card. Also I have trouble because I am always bending the pins in the card reader. I really would prefer not to use a card reader. -- I tried to download software for the S2 (Zoom Browser) but all it did was wipe out all the pictures on the flash card. So, I really need help. At the moment I have to take work photos with my cell phone. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks



Ok first for the S3 with a possible stuck shutter. Set up a long exposure like 15 seconds or so long then in the middle of the exposure like 7 seconds into the exposure open the battery compartment to stop the exposure abrupty! That technique has been effective in freeing up stuck shutters before. The shutter, if it is stuck, is stuck most likely from the dried up grease. 

You may have to try that fix a couple times to get it to work and then again if the problem comes back.


As for the compact flash card issue there are compact flash card to sd card adapters for less than $15 that will take care of that for you. I've included a link for one such product.

First you need to get the card to work inspect the pins and if any are bent use a small pick of some sort to straighten them out.
