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I bought a Canon S100 and u/water housing


I drowned the camera after owning it for about a month. Went to replace it an the S110 had already superceded it and the 100 housing was also obsolete. Do you think it is fair trading that when you buy a camera, the seller does not tell you there is a new model just weeks away. Actually the Canon dealer said that Canon will not tell them if a new model is about to be released and they do not know until it arrives from their national distributer.

No way would I have bought a camera if I had known an updated one was weeks away unless a fair discount was offered to clear the stock. Also an expensive accessory which would be totally useless with an updated model.

Electronics are changing rapidly and should be expected to be outdated quickly but to keep it secret then bang, here is the new one and now all those who just purchased - tuff luck! within a few weeks is just not fair play.


Comments please!



I am familiar about this model but from my experience with G line of point and shots, for instance I know when I bought new G10, I just I am missing the features that I really wanted such as Time lapes and lesser noise that was offered on older model and not the new one. So don't look at every new model replacing the old one as a total upgrade. Another personal experience was 30D compare to legendary 20D. A little bigger LCD totally didn't justify the difference in price and 30D was replace with 40D in about a year...

Of course I don't claim newer models are not offering newer technology but in many instances the new versions are just a face lift rather than a total fundamental change. So first do your homework in terms of what is the real difference and if really missing the newer model, you can always sell your current one on ebay or amazon for a small lose as long as everything is complete and camera is like new condition.


Also what is the return policy of place you bought? Most decent authorized dealers have some sort of fair return policy.


I own the S100...just purchased it.  Did I know the new model was coming out??? Yup.  Google said it was.  I believe the S100 is a better camera for the money.  I purchased my S100 for $229 on black shares space with my 7D.
