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How to transfer video to MacBook or iPhone



I have the canon Powershot SX530 HS. I have downloaded the app so I will be able to transfer the pictures to mine iPhone but every time I click on a video to download it will not let me. I also tried to watch the YouTube video on how to transfer videos onto your MacBook but it did not work. My operating system is different than the one they are showing on the video. This is the link to the video( ). At this point, I can not find any other way to transfer a video so if anyone could help me I will gladly appreciate it! btw I have a MacBook Air. 


hello Kelly, 

can you explain better how to connect the app from my iPhone to the Mac. I don't know how to do that and I also tried to look it up on YouTube but I couldn't find anything. I guess once you explain the first part, I will mostly be able to understand and do the second part which is dragging and dropping the files. but if you could break it down step by step for me I would be grateful. 
