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Help: PowerShot N2 selfi picture reversed?


I have just bought PowerShot N2 camera. It worked fine until I charged the battery. Now everytime when doing the Playback mode, the picture taken from the previous selfi is reversed vertically (details from left move to the right and vise vesa).


I have asked the support from local Canon technical guys but none of them can explain why before chaing the battery, the camera was normal but now not.


Please kindly advise!



Check to see if you have Auto Rotate set to On.

Touch Func then Menu then Auto Rotate and set it to On

Hi John,


Thank you very much for your reply.


I have changed as your suggestion but pictures keep the same orientation independent to Auto Rotate ON or OFF.



Hi Duong,


I can't find anything in your manual other than that Auto Rotate setting that applies to your problem.

As a last resort you can try removing your battery again and holding the Power button on for about 45 seconds. Then replace the battery.

Also have you tried doing a Reset All to defaults thru your settings menu ?

Since your camera is new and might have a defect you could return it for an exchange if withing the sellers time limit or a free repair too...not what anyone wants to hear with a new camera I know.



Dear John,


I have struggled with the camera but no improvement at all. The funny thing that all Canon guys said that it is normal (!?). I am trying to contact the seller for warranty now.


Anyhow I really appreciate your enthusiasm advises.


