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G5 cannot select AEB, only focus bracketing


I am trying to help the owner of a Powershot G5 to change the bracketing system from focus bracketing to AEB. 


The instruction manual gives virtually identical instructions for setting focus or exposure bracketing, but after about two hours of frustrating manual reading, button pushing and googling the problem I remain totally baffled. 


Whatever I do I can only enable/disable and change the range parameters on FOCUS bracketing, but that's the only form of bracketing I can find, there seems no way to change it to AEB, and the manual doesn't enlighten me.


Nobody else seems to have the problem when I google it, so I must just be very stupid....


Anybody out there who can throw any light on the matter...?


Accepted Solutions


AEB will not work in M mode or non-creative modes (in another words - only works in P, Av and Tv) or if the flash is on.  Other than that, the two functions are right next to each other...

Diverhank's photos on Flickr

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Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Heapug,


Thank you for posting.


Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB) is only available when the PowerShot G5 X is in one of its Creative modes, such as "P", "Tv" or "Av". (Sometimes, in "C") and the flash is set to off.

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AEB will not work in M mode or non-creative modes (in another words - only works in P, Av and Tv) or if the flash is on.  Other than that, the two functions are right next to each other...

Diverhank's photos on Flickr

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Heapug,


Thank you for posting.


Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB) is only available when the PowerShot G5 X is in one of its Creative modes, such as "P", "Tv" or "Av". (Sometimes, in "C") and the flash is set to off.

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THANK YOU very much.  How absurdly simple.  I was almost tearing my hair out with frustration, but never once thought of departing from the Manual mode. This camera is almost always used tripod mounted or at least when there's pleny of time to compose a shot, when I always use Manual as a matter of course.

So my conjecture that I was being stupid was well founded...

Thanks to both of you who solved my problem. 

And now I know that If I want AEB either side of a deliberate under- or over-exposure, I'd just have to use aperture priority and maybe juggle the metering spot to try and achieve what I want.  But I guess simpler just to take 3 separate pics....

My reply to Richard is also addressed to you -- many thanks.
