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File Numbering Changes when I delete images


I have a new SX740 HS camera and suspect this issue exists for any/all cameras with SD cards:

I am vigilant in recording in a paper notebook what is in each photo by image number so I know (for example) which bird is in which image number.  So image 435 is a Roseate Spoonbill on the camera screen.  However, by the time I have reached image 435, I have deleted (for example) 30 images.  So the Roseate Spoonbill appears to be image 435 on the camera screen (so is number 435 in my notebook).  BUT when I move the camera images to my phone via SD card reader, and thus to the Cloud, the number is 465.  I understand that the metadata, including image number, is attached forever to the picture as soon as you take it.  But is there any way to have the Cloud image numbers match the camera except for not deleting any images on the camera?



I don't think the file name - the only thing that stores the "image number" is stored in the exif data.
