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Do decent point-and-shoot cameras exist anymore?


About 10 years ago, I had a much beloved point-and-shoot Nikon that was my constant travel companion. When it broke, the replacement I got shot extremely subpar photos blurry, poor focus, no point in taking pictures of anything far away, etc.and I was too jaded to buy another. For Christmas, I was gifted a Panasonic DC-FZ80 and while I appreciated it, it wasn't really what I was looking for in a camera, which is primarily something that will slip easily in and out of my pocket while I travel. I ended up returning it and my intention is to use the money to get something more in line with my previous Nikon, but I'm worried such a camera no longer exists. I keep reading articles stating that low-tier point-and-shoot cameras have been all but replaced by smartphones. While I could take the money from the camera and put it towards something like a Google Pixel that will shoot better photos than my current Nokia 6.1, I liked having my phone and camera separate from one another.



I think the best point and shoots are the niche ones like the Olympus TG series of shock proof/waterproof cameras.

Canon of course, still has a wide selection, but I miss the S-100 series.

