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Canon Powershot sx260 hs AF Assist Beam


I really know nothing about my camera and all the setting it has.  I would like to take some pictures and a few videos at a concert that I am going to soon at a fairly large venue.  I don't want to be rude with the bright green light on the front of my camera. I have made that mistake before.  I see that I have the option of turning it off.  Is this a bad idea if it is in Manual mode.


 Also what settings would be best?  My seat is off the floor on the first level opposite the stage.  Not that great, but not that bad.  I would just like to have some shots for a photo album and a video or two.. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



1- You need to turn the flash off

2 - If you don't have a tripod, you probably need to go to a high ISO, I guess 1600 would be but try yourself and see if image quality suffers too much if going higher


My guess is you can use the P mode with the Flash set to Never Fire.

Thanks!  I should have clarified that I was referring to the green flashing Auto Focus Assist Beam, not the flash. The green light  is quite bright, I went to a concert recently where cameras were discouraged, so I waited until the very end to snap off a few shots unaware of this green beam of light and I have a lovely picture of a band member glaring right at me. Cat Mad  I know that cameras will be permitted at this venue, but I haven't taken pictures before at such a big arena.  A close friend is unable to go, so I would like to get some shots for her.

You need to disable the AF Assist beam too, you're right, not to disturb.
