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Can't get G9 X to connect to OBS via capture card


I'm trying to get my G9-X connected to my Macbook Pro in order to use the laptop screen as a preview monitor. I've got the G9-X connected to an HDMI capture card (via miniHDMI to HMDI In) and then the HDMI capture card connected to the laptop (via USB male to male). There's also an HDMI Output port on the capture card that is current unused. I'm not trying to live stream anything, just need to see the camera shot as I record. 


So, with everything connected, I tried to use OBS to see the shot, but all I'm seeing is color bars. I don't see the camera shot. 


What am I doing wrong? When I unplug the USB from the computer, the color bars go away. That leads me to believe that the laptop DOES "see" the capture card, but the capture card does NOT see the G9-X camera. And it seems like I'm not able to add it the camera as a source in OBS. 


I posted previously about this, before I had a capture card, so thanks to the person who responded to that post. I made this as a new post just in case it helps it get seen faster. Not sure if anyone would be checking back on the original post. 


Anyways, thanks for any help. 



You have an configuration that is not supported by Canon USA.  I do not think your camera is capable of "clean HDMI."




Have you checked the output coming out of the camera by plugging it into a television, just to see what it is sending?  Good luck with your experiments.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Ok, I plugged it into a Dell monitor, and when it's in Record mode, there's no picture, but when it's in Playback mode the picture appears on the monitor. So, the cable works! But I guess that means the miniHMDI is only sending a signal when in Playback mode? Is there a way to change that? It also has a miniUSB port on there too, which is usually what I use when transferring images to the computer, but I haven't used that port for this purpose.

Also, I'm okay with it not being a "clean HDMI." I don't care if the buttons and display appear on the picture. I'm just trying to use it as a preview monitor for myself while recording. I was planning to record to the SD card, but if I can get it set up to record on the computer that'd be great, too. But I really just wanted the computer for a preview monitor at least.

@madkatworks wrote:
Ok, I plugged it into a Dell monitor, and when it's in Record mode, there's no picture, but when it's in Playback mode the picture appears on the monitor. So, the cable works! But I guess that means the miniHMDI is only sending a signal when in Playback mode? Is there a way to change that? It also has a miniUSB port on there too, which is usually what I use when transferring images to the computer, but I haven't used that port for this purpose.

Correct.  The HDMI only sends a signal output in playback mode.  This behavior is cannot be changed.  Forget about trying improvise something with the USB port before you damage your camera.  You have the wrong camera for your needs.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Ah. Alrighty then. Thank you!