Can I use the viewfinder on my SX50HS, but briefly display each picture on the LCD?


I like using the viewfinder--its one of the main reasons I got the SX50--to add to stability.  But I also like checking the resuting picture each time, including its F-stop/shutter, ISO, etc.  I got very used to this feature with my Nikon DSLR--is it maybe only available with an SLR?



No problem.

In Menu, camera icon.

Scroll down to Review Info and select Detailed.

Go to Review and select a suitable time for you to

see the review.


True, using evf can help stability but it's not a very good evf.


Try having the strap over one shoulder and under the other.

You can then form quite a rigid triangulation tensing the strap

with your elbow against your body. Lean on something too

if you can.

Thanks for the detailed response.  But this method still only displays the just-taken picture on the screen I'm using, whether viewfinder or LCD.  I want to use the viewfinder, but pop the picture up on the bigger LCD for review.  Can that be done?

Press the Disp button to cycle between evf and screen.

With zoom lever you can magnify or review thumbnails of

pics in memory.

Sure, that'd do it.  But I'm looking for something that happens automatically as part of taking the picture.  Unless Nikon's patented it, look at how the D3100, for example, takes a picture.  I recognise that the 3100 is an SLR and the viewfinder is optical--you HAVE to use the viewfinder, because the CCD doesn't see the scene until the mirror flips up--but where the picture just taken is displayed is just a matter of software, no?

I understand what you would lie to do and yes I believe that would be a function of the software/firmware in the SX50HS system and might be possible for Canon to do. If they felt the need to provide such an update. I can't think of a physical limitation for such an option.

The D3100 also has a "live view" that shows on the dispaly screen. Doesn't work the same way that the compact cameras do though. Also keep in mind the viewfinder on the D3100 is optical, not an evf like the SX50HS. You are not comparing apples to apples. The Canon Powershot G12 for example has an optical viewfinder and does the same as the D3100 displaying the photos automatically, so this may not be something that is just software related but rather a function of how items get displayed to the screen(s). Since both screen and evf can used for the same function, it may not allow for simultaneous display of view and photos without some interaction on the part of the user.

Maybe you'll need to change the way that you operate?


I'm puzzled why you would want to know that data at the time.


Focus, yes.

Composition, yes. (Though that can be modified later.)

No camera shake, yes.



Exactly, I want to check what happened, briefly, before taking the next picture.  Mostly focus and shake.  Here's the sequence: watch for pic through viewfinder.  Squeeze shutter.  Glance at result on LCD.  Back to viewfinder.  Useful for posed group shots (people looking away), sports, animals....  Anything moving really. 


Good point on the non-SLR Nikons, so it can be done.  Canon software people, do you read these?

Ah, then set your shutter to continuous and take multiple shots, good plan for subjects liable to move. 


Try setting the Review to Hold, that will keep the snap

on view so you that could use the zoom lever for a closer look.


Half-press shutter to return to shoot mode.


