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Accessing greyed out "Flash control..." menu item in Canon SX50?


I can't access the "Flash control..." menu item in my Canon SX50. I've tried everything in ther instruction manual without success. The flash is totally inoperative. How do I fix this?





I see the SX50 has a manual flash unit, so I'll ask the obvious....did you manually raise the flash unit? (page 47 in the user manual) The flash control will not be available until you raise the flash.


Steve M.

Yes, I've done that. When I raise the flash and press the flash (lightning symbol) button on the left side of the hot shoe, nothing happens. Again, when I go into the menu setting, "Flash setting..." is greyed out...which means to me that this feature has been made inactive. I'm wondering if I need to do a firmware re-install. Not sure if (or how) that can be done.

By any chance, do you have an attachment on the hot shoe when you are doing this? Such as an external flash? If you do, remove it and try without the attachment. I just did a test on my Canon G12 and got your results when I had an external flash attached, but had full control with the flash attachment off.


Steve M.

Yes Steve is right, the only 2 things that I could find are either not lifting the internal flash up or having an external flash attached.

Have you tried a Reset to Defaults thru the menu just in case there is some obscure setting somewhere or some unmentioned combination of button presses that is locking you out completely?

Let me add to that answer, you can access the flash settings while the flash is down by holding the flash button down for more than 1 second and the menu pops up. If the flash is up one quick press will or should get you right to the flash mode selection not the menu. And you can only select either Auto, Always on or Slow Sync Flash from there. I just verified that on my SX50.

There is nothing in the hot shoe, and I've tried pressing the flash button to the left of the hot shoe for a few seconds with nothing happening. I did a reset to defaults as suggested, and the flash settings choice in the menu is still greyed out.

Well if it is still under warranty call Canon and arrange for service or if you just purchased it return it to the store.

What everyone has suggested should have solved it if it were solvable without needing service. Maybe when you call Canon they might know something more to do and try.


I just thought of one more thing, it is a shot in the dark but worth a try. Remove the battery press and hold the power switch down for at least 45 seconds then replace the battery and try it.


Outside of that it is probably an internal problem with the flash circuitry starting at the battery box and will need to be replaced or repaired. The SX50 is not known for any chronic problems but as you know it was an expensive purchase, worth the money and worth buying an extended warranty. I use Square Trade often and have only had to file a claim once on a laptop that I spilled water on. It was not practical for them to fix it and they paid me back the full purchase price, $999 and even returned me my hard drive for free when I requested it. The laptop was 19 months old at the time.

I bought an extended warranty for my SX50 also including the accidental damage protection.

I tried your suggestion to remove the battery and hold down the on-off button for 45 seconds. No luck.


Thanks to all of you for your interest and recommendations in helping me. I bought the camera used from eBay for $290.00, so I think my investment was not as great...but it still stings a little. I've had the camera long enough that I can't return it to the seller. Lessons learned!


I'll still contact Canon to see what they have to say, but I'll probably end up buying another Canon SX50. I really like this camera for all it can do for the price. I think it's an excellent "bridge" camera between the point-and-shoot and DSLRs. I'll look into Square Trade for the extended warranty.


Again...thank you.

Your welcome and Im sorry it didn't work out for you.

I tend to keep my products for a few years at least so I always consider an extended warranty where possible or practical. It's insurance just like any insurance you may or may not need it.

Canon may offer you a refurbished model in return for yours if you send it in to them. Square Trade offers warrantis on OEM refurbs also. Call them if your not clear on their policies they are quite helpful with warranty questions.

There's chatter now on this site about the new SX60 that is allegedly coming out in the new year. That could be good news as the prices of the SX50's will probably get discounted.

I've purchased many things on eBay with only a few problems, it's a gamble though. Square Trade provides warranties for eBay purchases also, used or new. 

Good luck to you !
