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the memory on my L190 is full


Have tried everything imaginable to clear the memory on this machine!!!! Any suggestions?



Hi lducote,


There are a few possible reasons and resolves for the memory error:

- If there are jobs waiting to be sent or printed, send your document after the jobs are complete.
- Print, send, or delete jobs stored in memory.
- Divide large documents in two and try to send them again.
- Reduce the scanning resolution and send the document again.


Steps and images to assist you in detail can be found here.  You can use the following Search descriptions

to retrieve the respective FAQ  Article:

- If <Memory is full.> Appears

- Checking and Deleting Documents in Memory

- Scanning Settings When Sending a Fax (Resolution)


If the error remains, you can reset the power for your FAXPHONE L190, unplug the power cord and
allow ten minutes before re-powering.

If you have performed these steps or further assistance is needed, please feel free to Contact Us.

Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

I've had this issue as well with over 20 machines now.  All Canon L190s.  Powering them off for days doesn't clear the memory, (Also tried the above steps, per Canon's phone troubleshooting, it gets to the point where after they have me put in a special diagnostic code to reset to factory it still doesn't work, and they replace it. )  and I've had Canon replace them under warranty many times over.  I've taken them to a local repair facilty at Canon's suggestion as well, to no avail.  They replaced the main board in the fax, which is basically just like getting a new fax.


I'm getting very angry and frustrated that no one can solve why this is happening.  I've had faxes get this error after only sending 15 1-page fax transmissions.   15 faxes, seriously?  So the only answer is to keep calling Canon for replacements until the warranties run out, in which case then we're screwed.


It keeps happening, and Canon won't even let me try an alternative model.  I just want this nightmare to be over.  Our L170s worked really well.  This has been going on over the last 6-9 months and it's just insane.




1) Power off (front of system)

2) Hold down Rest button (//), keep holding down

3) Power back on, keep holding reset until until back on.





Unplugging will not work. 

Power off the fax while holding down the reset key (small yellow key // on top of fax.) 

While still holding the reset key down, restart the fax machine. 

You may have to do it a couple of times, but it does work. 


IT guy, man with the plan, 

IT I LIKE IT, LOCK THE TASKBAR, LOCK THE TASKBAR! (if you do not get the reference look up "Rock The Casbah!"

I have tried several times to clear fax memory on my Pixma MX300 by this method. It does not work. Any other ideas?

Jane, I must admit I am not familiar with that model. However, the problem is either the fax memory or a stuck print job. What was the last thing you were trying to do, fax or print? If faxing you can try to unplug the power supply and waiting about 10 minutes and plugging it back in. (If the reset key did not work) Sometimes they will work together, unplugging, waiting, and then using the reset key can work sometimes. Give the poor fax a little time, say 15 minutes to see if it will clear, sometimes it takes a while for the reset to work.  If it was a print job, you will need to go to your control panel on your computer and see if there are any pending print jobs, delete those and restart your fax. If that does not work, since you are in Canada, pour syrup into the fax and tell your cheap boss that your fax is literally stuck and you need a new one. Too much of a hassle to send that thing back to the manufacturer or to be tortured by listening to them on the phone. 
