imageCLASS X LBP1238 II & LBP1127C won't wake up from sleep state


I work in a school district that has all canon printers. There are only two school buildings and maybe a total of 89 printers in total. The printer models vary but are primarily LBP1238 and LBP1127C. In one of the locations, there are issues when users/teachers try to print especially after the printers are in their sleep state. It seems in the one location after they are asleep they do not awake. In the other school this does not seem to be an issue and as far as I know the are the same models. Each building has primarily 2 vlans although I don't think this is an issue with that.  In the location where jobs that get sent do not print, it is almost as if the printer does not wake up when the job is sent. If we reboot the printer, the jobs come through. We do not have this issue with the photo copier machines that are connected to UFO and or other printers even HP's. I am running out of ideas. Does anyone have any ideas here. Why when the printers go to sleep do they not wake up from that state when jobs get sent ? Why does rebooting them solve this issue ? Im running out of ideas and why this only occurs in one location and not the other. Both schools have their own DHCP scopes all other network operations seem to be working correctly. Any ideas or help with this problem would be great. I want to get rid of all my canons at this location and go back to HP's. One of my old hps, works just not the canon on the same network. leads me to believe it is the canon or their power safe functions or general architecture since this does not seem to happen to the HP i put back on our network to test. 



Have you tried going into the printer's Remote UI and checking the energy settings? Maybe they need to be switched to medium sleep instead of deep sleep, so they can wake up when a job is set to print



Do you know for a fact that ImageClassX MF1238II has this setting ? I have not seen it and I've explored the GUI and the machine interface. I would love to see a medium sleep or deep sleep but I have only seen 60 minutes and thats all. 


I don't have that exact model on hand to check but it should have it, since other LBP models have that setting. However, I think you can only access that setting through the Remote UI, so you'd need to know the IP address of the device (you can find instructions on how to access the Remote UI in the device's online manual). I'm not sure if you can change the sleep setting through the device interface.


Nope. I love your optimism, but troubleshooting this issue has not been fun. We own these printer and they only work when you restart them. I feel like this is a bug. They were sold to us and the company who sold it is not even really helping with it. I can assure you, there is no deep sleep setting, there is only a 60 minute sleep timer. Thats all. Yes I can access the remote ui and I have explored that thoroughly. You said the word "deep sleep" i think that is what is happening but there is no setting on these models to change that even after a firmware upgrade. The only time it will work is after you reboot it, prints will come in and that may continue for a few days then it will stop. I'd love canon to get involved because at this school we have a bout 30 printers and, in my opinion, they are useless bc everyoen knows they only work when you keep rebooting them. It has an ip address, it has connectivity its just a "bug" i think. If  you can help in another way i am open to any suggestions. They have become paper weights in my opinion. 

Unfortunately there isn't much I can help you with then.. the last thing that comes to mind is completely disabling sleep mode through the device's service mode, if possible

I appreciate everything you've said, but this is something I can try and I will look into this. Thank you. I just feel bad. These printers were purchased and are hardly used and its as if we are stuck with them. I just want to try to get them to work for the district just trying to do my job. Thanks again 🙂 

I understand, good luck 🙂
