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imageCLASS MF753Cdw UI Configuration for Email Scan


MF753.  I want to be able to scan to email. I’ve tried various things in the remote UI but nothing seems to work.  I get a message that I need to set up UI.  I’m using at home so I have no IT department :). Please help because I’m frustrated and I’m about to return the printer. TIA. 


Product Expert
Product Expert


When setting up the scanner for use with your personal email, the scanner will need specific information to connect. That would include the port it communicates through, the type of security it uses, and the address of their SMTP server. If your email account needs and app password as well, you would need to enable that setting and include the password. If you were using the printer with Gmail, the settings would be as follows.

Port: 587

SSL security: TLS

SMTP server:

You would also need to enable the option to use an app password and enter the password created by your Gmail account. You can find this information by checking the resources provided by your email provider, they will usually have articles containing that information.

Once you have gathered that information, you can log into the printer's remote UI to enter that information using the steps in the link HERE

