connection code to set up wireless printing


Im trying to connect my ipad app "canon direct print and scnan" is the app name and the app is asking for a connection code to identify my printer or it says i can use my ipad to scan the printers QR code that is on the printers front panel witch i cant find. can anyone tell my where this code can be found I tried the serial number with no luck?


Hello Rita!

So that the Community can help you better, we will need to know exactly what Computer Operating System you're using (Windows XP/Vista/7/8 or Mac 10.x) or what kind of tablet, as well as the way you connect to your device (networked via WiFi or Ethernet).

Any other details you'd like to give will only help the Community better understand your issue!

If this is an urgent support need, please CLICK HERE to reach our friendly Technical Support Team by phone or email.

Thanks and have a great day!

I want to connect my iPad to my wireless Canon printer. O downloaded the Canon mobile printing app and it's asking for a connection code.


Has anyone found the answer to this question yet? How do I find the QR Code or Connection Code for the Canon MX432?

what and where do I find the MFP on a Canon D530 for my I ph app




Troubleshooting with our support group will have to be done to narrow down the causes of your issues. Please contact our support group using the "Contact Us" link below for additional assistance.

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It's becoming rather apparent that cannon is having issues with their own products and this is a continuing issue. If you search on Google, there are multiple step by step instructions given by people who have an understanding of the product and know how to manipulate it properly. Cannon, you should hire some people who can actually help people and maybe be a little more straight forward with your answers. Asking a question to answer a question is something a politician or a crook does.

Hi Thor1!


The Canon Community Forums aren't intended for technical support, rather a place for users to get help from their peers. Occasionally Canon Subject Matter Experts will step in and offer help when they can. In most of the above questions, there isn't enough information provided for a concrete answer to be given.


All of the Canon Mobile Apps can be found here: CLICK ME

For personal printers, you will use the new Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY app. If you find that you still need help, contact support. The number is 1-800-OK-CANON (800-652-2666) both here in the US and there in Canada. 


We hope this clarifies things for you! 

Dear Canon,

     Please do not respond just to say that you're not going to respond!


     To the other customers, try using the  Business app, not the print & scan app. That's what fixed it for me. 

Thank you so much for this tip. The business app works perfectly and I wonder why Canon did not suggest this from the start. Kudos!

You're welcome! 🙂
