What is the specific order for installing a Canon printer? Specifically, ImageClass 4150.


I've had Canon techs run me through it, and I should have written it down, but I didn't realize I'd need it AGAIN. (I've been having major issues with Office 365 and Windows 10, and they keep uninstalling  my printer... I need to install it again.)



Hi hpcanon.


I will be glad to assist you.


Please disconnect the printer from the computer, and then follow the instructions below to reinstall the printer driver:


1. Click HERE to go to the Drivers & Downloads page for your MF4150.

2. The Drivers & Downloads page will open for the selected model.

Note: This page automatically detects your computer's operating system so that only the compatible drivers and software will be available for download.

3. Files recommended for your printer and Operating System will be listed in the Recommended Downloads section.

4. Click on the SELECT button next to [Windows 64bit] imageCLASS MF4150 MFDrivers (UFR II / FAX / ScanGear) to download the drivers.

5. After clicking on the SELECT button next to the file name, check the "I have read and agree to the terms of the Disclaimer and wish to continue with the download." check box.

6. Click on the DOWNLOAD button to save the file to your computer.

7. Once the download is complete, double-click the file from its download location to decompress them. A new folder will be created in the same folder. The new folder will have the same name as the compressed file. (When you select [RUN], it unpacks the setup folder.)

8. Open your [Downloads] (or [Documents]) folder.

9. You will see two icons with the name: MF4150_MFDrivers_W64_us_EN. Double-click on the yellow folder icon with this name.

10. In the folder you will see two listings for [Setup]. Double-click on the [Setup] that has the type as [Application].

11. The "MF Drivers Setup Wizard" will open. Proceed through the on-screen steps.

12. Connect the USB cable and allow the installation to complete.


I hope this information is helpful to you.  Should need further assistance, please call us at 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666).

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The instructions on the download page says explicitly to UNPLUG the USB cable.  You say to plug it in.  Which is it?



Also, so, you are saying that once I go through this setup procedure, all is well and the printer is installed, and I don't have to go through the Windows install procedure under Printers and Scanners?


