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Want to STOP imageCLASS MF249dw from adding date+4 digits to scan filenames


This is the default behavior;  how do I turn it off??


  • File Name

    Enter the file name of the image to be saved.  The date and 4 digits are appended to the set file name in the "_20XX0101_0001" format.




Hi worksong


In order to properly assist you we just need to know which specfic imageCLASS unit you own?  Additionally, what operating system and program are you scanning from?


I look forward to further assisting you and receiving the requested information.


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MF 249 dw;  Win 10 Pro;  MF Scan Util / Scangear



Hi worksong,


Unfortunately, there is no way to remove it. If you are using another third party program other than the freeware that came with the unit you may get other options. 



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I appreciate the response, but am disgusted w/Canon.


This is my 4th ImageClass multi-function, & every iteration of the software gets dumber & less capable.  The last version of MFToolbox--which won't work with the 249 dw--was far easier to use.  Why handicap it?


Another idiotic move was to double-down with more 1-touch "buttons" to make operations simpler...but what good is a "documents" button if I can only choose color or b/w, but CANNOT adjust threshold/exposure/contrast to something other than the anemic defaults?


Turns out I can take a few extra steps & still use Scangear to deliver the output I need...I just have to remember to altere the filename to remove all the mandatory extra digits Canon inserts.


Canon should be embarassed.


After scanning a document, at the bottom of the screen click on Output Settings Icon (small pencil)

Under file name section if you have not already done so click on the box to Use Advance Settings Dialog Box

Press the Detail Settings button that is right underneath it

Under File Name Settings

Unclick the box where it says, add date and time

Click Okay 



After scanning a document on my ImageClass MF249dw, I do not see the Output Settings Icon.  See attached.


Am I missing something?  It would be great to not have to delete the date appendage for every document I scan!




Same issue on a Laser Color printer MF741Cdw, purchased in March 2023, 4 years after these posts.
There is no box named  Advance Settings Dialog Box.
User interface is the same as described above by CBolin.
For my application, this is a MAJOR issue to have to touch every filename and remove the date + 4 digits.
The date can be prevented to be appended automatically if the box "Save to a subfolder with curent date" is checked


This box is found in Settings, prior to selecting the type of Scan to perform


But it seems there is no way to prevent the addition of the 0001 ( incremented by one after each time) in the filename.
