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UFR II Linux Driver Binaries in arm64 Architecture (Model# MF216n)




I need to print and scan from ARM based SBC running debian/raspbian/armbian. The current Linux driver package "linux-UFRII-drv-v510-usen" doesn't have them. May I request the built binaries under armhf or arm64 architecture? Is this foreseeable in the near future if not immediately available?





Hi hftsai256,


The drivers for Linux are provided as-is.  We are unable to provide support for Linux due to how different each installation may be.


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No and this is a horrendous. irresponsible reply. Name one major distribution that is not using CUPS as its printer backend.

I agree. With Google Cloud Print being deprecated in six weeks, many people would like to turn to an always-on raspberry pi, running CUPS to serve the printers.


This is especially important since our kids often use Chromebooks and would like to print at home.


I understand that it's Google's fault, but can you provide the sources for the UFR drivers so Linux users can compile their own?




Hi, yes many of my printers are Canon imageclass lbp6030b and we are trying to move them all to the server so we can print from anywhere. So far I cannot find any help on all the links and pages I have visited so far. There should be a responsible reply from Canon and Canon should write a driver for each of the printers for Arm-based Linux devices.

Hello Zaaaark,


The LBP6230dw does have some server support. To see if we can assist, please reply to this message with the specific print server that you are trying to use. For more immediate assistance, feel free to contact support at 1-800-652-2666. Our agents would be happy to help.

Hi Hector, i am using CUPS for my project. Will this driver work for LBP6030b.

I cant find LPB6230dw on CUPS server. I am using raspberry pi 3b+ for running my printer servers. Do you have any support to run LBP6030b via server on raspberry pi 3b+

Hello Zaaark,


Unfortunately we do not have any CUPS drivers for the LBP6230dw. We currently do not have any support options for the Raspberry Pi operating system.
