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MF8580 prints two pages, then gives paper size and settings mismatch error. Help!




I have been dealing with this problem for weeks now. When i called support, they told me it was my computer, that it was "running slow" and that i need to pay for their service - that fixing errors in my registry would fix the problem.


However, i have my own registry cleaner and that isnt the problem.


Every time i print something, the printer will print the first two pages, and then beep, giving me the error "paper size and settings mismatch Drawer 1" - I have everything set to letter - in the driver, on the printer, etc.


I do nto understand why it prints two pages and then tells me there is a mismatch. If i open and close the drawer, it will print the second page again and then the third page, and give me the same error again. rinse and repeat.


This also happens when multiple documents are spooled. I send three - one page documents, it will print the first and second, give me the error, i open and close the paper drawer 1, then it prints document two and three - then gives me the same error - i open and reclose and it prints the thrid document...


I am just baffeled.




Hi TeeKay 


Based on what you describe, It is recommended that you contact one of Canon's Technical Support Representatives. To contact a Technical Support Representative, please use the link below:

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why call canon ? here not writen?

Hello alpaslandursun.


The forums are intended mainly for Canon users to help other users.


Some errors or malfunctions indicate problems that may require service to correct.  We are unable to arrange for printer service through the forums.

Phone-based support can walk you through additional checks and, if they don't correct the problem, they can arrange for service or other options available through Canon.


If you need immediate assistance with this issue and are located in the U.S., please contact us using the numbers and information at


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Thank you ,I am first message writen a week ago and wait

I am call phone help okay thank you

First person writen 2 years ago and no answer I’m writen and two products expert no answers and says bla bla bla thank you canon


After 6 years I can post the solution.

I've had the same problem since the beginning of Covid.

When the papter tray was filled to the brim with paper, the printer printed.

With 20 sheets less, the error message appears.


The problem was that the feeder roller was covered with dust.

I just wiped it off with my fingers. I don't need to remove it.



remove the paper tray

press: menu 2 8 menu

select:: copier function viffnc fd-r-chg

clean the feeder roller

