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MF8050Cn error E198-0000


Our MF8050Cn stopped working and has this error E198-0000.  Anyone, Anyone???



Cannon told us to either have it reapired or scrap it. It means the main DC CONTROL BOARD is not working. That is the main control board. Cheaper to fix it than to buy a new one. 


Updating the firmware on the MF8050Cn fixed this E198-0000 error for me.  I used a Windows 10 laptop that I connected to the printer with a USB cable.


Get the firmware from Canon here:

Look for the entry "Correction for the rare occurrence of "E198 error code". (MF8050Cn ONLY)"

Click on the link for " MF8350_FirmwareUpdateForWin_V0137.exe "

This software is only for Windows.  This executable unpacks into 3 files:  Instructions, the Firmware Updater itself and license info.

If you need software for a Mac, you can try here:
Go down to the Drivers & Downloads Section, and then click on the FIRMWARE tab.
There is both Windows and Mac tools there. Note, I did not try either of those downloads because it prompts for the Serial number which I did not have handy.


After downloading the firmware file run it and it will unpack.

Read the instructions.  Put the printer into the mode to receive the firmware.

Run the firmware update on your computer.  I used a Windows 10 laptop.   I had to right-click on the .exe file and left-clicked on TROUBLESHOOT-COMPATIBILITY.


The Firmware Updater ran ok after that.   There are about 4 parts to the process.  At some points it looked like it was stuck, but just give it time and each step will complete.  The whole process took less than 15 minutes.


Hope this helps.  Best of luck. Sorry this might not help the original poster, but hope it will help others
