Help Printing on CANON color imageclass lbp622cdw


I have a canon color imageclass lbp622cdw and when I print a piece of paper wirelessly through my network I always need to select the tray manually...

It reads "No Paper" LTR Plain 1 Then I have to scroll down to LTR Plain 2 and then hit "OK" Then it prints.


Im trying to get this to just print without having to always go to the printer and do this everythime. 




Tony R. 



Hi tonyrecke.


Make sure the paper has been first registered on the printer.  Next, on the computer, you'll need to make sure the paper size registered to each source matches the size registered on the printer.  This process will vary by OS.



For Windows:


Open the printer's driver, then select the Paper Source tab.  In the Paper Source tab, open the Paper Source Information dialogue box.  In there, select Get Paper Source Information.  The computer will pull the registered paper information from the printer.


For Mac OS:


In the Print window, select the Paper Source sub-menu (drop-down on the right side of the print window).  In the Paper Source submenu, select to set based either on Paper Type or on Paper Source.


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