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Color ImageClass LBP632Cdw paper won't feed


I bought this laser printer only 2 months ago and use it only a couple times a week.  I tried to print two documents, but I got an error code that says I'm out of paper--except there's plenty of paper in there. I took it out, fanned it, put it back, and tried to clear the error, and could not. I then cancelled the documents and retried. Same result. Power cycled, same result.

Then I went to the printer settings, made sure I had 20# paper selected--check.  Multipurpose tray--check.  Wouldn't print. So I changed it to Tray 1.  Wouldn't print.

I looked through the user manual and the "Troubleshooting FAQ" page is empty!  I thought I'd see if there's a paper jam, but there is nothing in the manual about paper jams or how to check or clear them. Terrific manual, totally useless troubleshooting page.  I did find on another forum how to clear a paper jam but there doesn't seem to be one.

Any suggestions gladly accepted.



Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello Rosawoodsii,

If the printer is not detecting the paper loaded into the cassette tray or manual feed tray, you can try checking the loaded paper settings using the steps in the link HERE. You can check if the paper size for the tray matches the paper size selected on your computer.

If that does not resolve the issue, I suggest contacting support over the phone at 1-800-652-2666. One of our agents would be happy to assist with checking the paper settings or the specific paper loading error to see what is causing the issue.
