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Canon iR-ADV C5550 scan and send email (Gmail) not working - SMTP Could not find the server




We recently purchased the Canon iR-ADV C5550 for the office. Printing over the network/wireless and scanning to USB are all working as expected. However, the scan and send to email, previously working, has stopped working recently. When users attempt to scan and send, the printer scans the documents but fails to send.This is also visible in the Status Monitor on the printer under Send > Job Log:


Job No. ResultStart TimeEnd TimeJob TypeDestinationOriginalsOriginal PagesSend PagesTX File Size (KB)End Code
40Error20/04 2018 10:22:1020/04 2018 10:26:32E-MailJohn Smith5500#752

We use Google's GSuite and Gmail for correspondence. I have created an Gmail account specifically for scan and send, and this account is configured as follows:


Protocol: SMTP

SMTP Server:

Port: 465 (SSL)

Allow less secure apps: ON


On the Canon printer's Remote UI accessible from a browser, the SMTP details are correct under Settings/Registration : Function Settings : Send > Network Settings - E-Mail/I-Fax Settings. I have also validated these on the printer itself.


I can "Check SMTP Connection" from the above location on the printer with the following appearing after a few seconds:

"Could not find the server. Check the SMTP server settings, the DNS settings, and the SMTP server status."


On the printer itself, I can ping with a response returned.


I have followed this Google guide to no avail.


I'm out of ideas to troubleshoot this further. I guess I don't understand why it would stop working. Any assistance from the community is much appreciated.




It looks like the following people are having similar experiences. Adding links for convenience.



Further update. I finally managed to get it resolved. Users can now scan and send their documents to Gmail.


I essentially reaffirmed the configuration on the printer and not via the Remote UI in the browser. It appears the Remote UI may not be baking the configuration on the printer. The steps are:


1. On the physical printer, login as administrator to access "Function Settings > Send > Email/I-Fax Settings > Communication Settings".


2. Verify the mail server (, user name and reenter the password.


3. Verify that the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is selected.


4. Return to "Email/I-Fax Settings" and under "Specify Port Number for SMTP TX/POP RX", set 465 for SSL (or 587 for TLS). This was set to port 25. In the past, I didn't notice the SMTP Ports setting.


5. Under "Communication Settings", there's a test SMTP connection button. The result was positive.


Hope this helps others.


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