Canon LBP5050 problem


I have a Canon LBP5050 color laser printer. Every time I go to print I get these error messages:
"Out-of-Register Colors Correction has not been performed. Perform calibration again".

I do it and then printer finish job. But when I want to print another job I get this message:

"Could not correctly set the Printing Position Adjustment for each of the toner cartridges. Cancel the jobs and then try to perform calibration again. To continue printing click [Resolve Error]".

And after calibration priner finish the new job.

And all over again

I have refilled catridges...



Same problem here

I know that I will never buy Canon printer again...

Au contraire. I've had great service from this printer, 6 years old by now. It probably needs a service by now, it's had 4 years duty in a dusty mining town and 2 more in the ciry.


Same problem here.
I will never buy Canon printer again.

The printer LBP5050 eat cartridges, Instead of 2300 prints black, after 450 prints message
to replace the cartrides.


I have extensive experience using two printers from Canon - First is MF4320 (in office), which is a monochrome duplex scanner/printer/copier; while the second one is Canon LBP 5050 (at home). Both are good or bad in their own ways. MF4320 is a no-nonsense printer that will never fail you no matter how many prints you plan. With this printer, I have no worries even if hundreds of prints are requried. It is fast on both printing as well as scanning fronts (scanning speed is awesome in monochrome mode); though scanning quality is certainly not among the best. But it does most of the office work well.


On the other hand, LBP5050 is a perfectionist. I had bought it in 2011 for printing my PhD dissertation and its quality of graphics was simply superb. No printer in market could match the quality. However, perfection requires patience - and quite lots of it when it comes to LBP5050. I have always used original toners (the set of CMYK toners costs almost as much as the printer itself!); and it still spends good deal of time in correcting that minor, un-perceivable "error" in calibration, adjustment or simply for cooling-down if not kept in an AC environment during summer season. It is certainly not suitable for heavy-duty application; though it has got me rid of the ink-drying problem that I used to face with HP840C deskjet at home, which too was a respectable and high quality printer of its times.


A couple of days back, the LBP5050 stopped printing in black; the problem persisted even after replacing the cartridge - seems as there is some electronic problem with the printer, as it is producing very faint impression of the document in black, while the Colour printing is working fine (except the black component in CMYK). Planning to take it to service centre tomorrow and will be able to share further experiences afterwards.



It is good to hear that you have no problems with LBP5050.

I have no LBP 5050, I sold it... Maybe I am not good enough for such great printer... I am just an average user...

When I press PRINT I expect that printer start printing....simple as that....

