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Canon Imageclass MF743CdW software/Utility


I am very disappointed with the scanner utility. It does not give you the option of previewing or editing the pages before it saves. Other scan utility give you the option of editing the pages before saving them, this is especially useful in scanning a large number of pages. Without this feature I have to scan the same document multiple times or use Adobe to pull apart the PDF and fix the pages. Please advise if there is another scan utility available to use with my Canon Imageclass mf743cdw. 



Hi aplebottom.


In the MF Scan Utility settings, you may enable "check scan results" to bring up an interface between scanning pages and the final save where pages may be rearranged and/or rotated.


The MF Scan Utility is designed to provide basic scanning capabilities, and is not intended to compete with specialized PDF editing software.


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Hi Thank you! Yes I did check that box and I can see the pages. I guess I am just used to HP's printer scanner utility. The HP scanner utility allows the user to see each page, delete if there is an issue with a certain page so in large jobs I wouldn't  have to scan the whole thing again. It was very user friendly and I was hoping since this is a more advanced printer that the scanner utility would be similar or better. I hope Canon creates an update! I just bought the printer and had I known this I would not have purchased it. 

Is there a way to get the scanner to deliver the multiple pagescanned  into one single document?  I don't need to rearrange or edit pages.  I just can't have the pages in multiple separate scans that require the user to click into each one to read them all.  Thank!


