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Cannot Scan to USB on Canon MF810CDN


Consistently get USB Memory is restricted.

I have access via the Remote UI Portal via System Manager Mode and no amount of changes seem to enable Scanning



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So that the Community can help you better, we will need to know which operating system is running on your computer (i.e. Windows or macOS and which version). How are you connecting and what error message? Any 
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Thank you!


The error I was receiving was while trying to scan to a USB thumbdrive, (on side of MF810cdn) while at the Printer. The computer operating system would have no bearing. I was hoping that I could make changes to the printer remotely via the web based portal but was unable to locate the specific settings. I did go to the machine and go through the process of putting System ID and Pin... scrolling through the menus and selecting Enable, ( The confusion was that Enable had always been highlighted letting me know that the current setting was enabled. I did select Enable again and truned off and on the machine.. And... Yes now I can scan to USB. Still have problems with Scan to Computer and Scan to email but that will have to be for another time.
