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ip110 turns on, checks ink, then turns off


Canon says the solution to this problem would be to turn off the "automatic shutdown" feature in Power Settings. I am unable to find those settings in the Printer Utility. Of course the printer is no longer connected to my computer via Bluetooth.

I'm using Windows 11.



Before the firmware patch I was tearing my hair out. I would turn off my router and be able to keep the printer on and use thru USB but whenever connecting to Wifi, it would have the same problem because of the DNS issue no matter how much I started over and cleared out the connections an re-installed drivers, etc. 

I just applied the firmware update and everthing works now. Super duper annoying. I am so glad I didn't discover the problem until today however, when the patch got published. Other folks are in for a rude awakening when they power up their printers later on this year.

Where do I get the firmware patch? 


Please click the link in my first message and then select your model printer from the list. 

Thank you SamanthaW !! Problem solved !!

Where to find this 'Printer Update Utility'?
