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why does ink run out when never used? all newly installed color ink is empty again, even though I ne


installed all fresh ink, but all is empty again even though i never print in color. very annoying, bordering on fraud.


Is it a new cartridge or a cartridge that you had refilled?

Are you sure it is actually empty vs dried out due to age?

Product Expert
Product Expert



Color inks may be used depending on what you are printing.  Items such as web based content or PDF files may use composite blacks for printing.  This would require a mixture of the color inks to reproduce the color.


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new cartridges, but practically never used.  now i only replaced the black and print greyscale. 

the color cartridges are empty, by whatever mechanism,  but not through printing use.

I am just annoyed that the color cartridges run totally dry without  evr printing a photo. of course , I hadn't  set  the printer to greyscale, but why should I  if I only print black text? What a waste.
